
Showing posts from August, 2022

CIPO Trademark Search | Get the Best Canadian Trademark Search

  In the application procedure for  Trademark Registration , the  CIPO Trademark Search  does not examine whether there are already older, identical or similar trademarks from competitors that could conflict with yours. The importance of checking Law Firm like Vidhinyas Solicitors & Associates trademark protection and determining the relevant scope of protection should therefore be given high priority.   One must conduct a Canadian trademark search before registering a trademark . This is whereby it should be checked whether your identifier has already been registered as a Canadian Trademark Search  in an identical or similar form.  In addition, it should be checked whether other rights could conflict with your  Canadian Trademark Search . In this way you avoid unnecessary costs due to the registration being rejected by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office . In addition, you avoid unnecessary costs in the event that your CIPO Trade...

Trademark Search Canada | Trademark Search | CIPO Trademark Search

  What is Trademark Search and How is Trademark Registration done? Whenever we buy a product of a company, before buying that product, we check its Trademark search   to identify that product, because there are many companies that give us the product that came out. Today we will tell you about this Trade marks Act , what it is a trademark or Canada Trademark Search . Along with this, how is the Trademark Registration OR CIPO Trademark Search done and what documents are required for this. What is Trademark- | Trademark Search Canada Basically a trademark or CIPO Trademark Search is the “brand” or “logo” that you use to distinguish your product from your competitors. Any word, name, symbol, or device may be a trademark OR Canada Trademark Search , used to identify a business and to distinguish goods manufactured from one manufacturer or seller or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods is done. So, a brand name is a brand name. For example, we buy a mobile from...

Canada Trademark Search | CIPO Trademark Search

How To Register Your Trademark In Canada? 5 Easy Steps Over the years, everyone has become aware that owning a valid trademark registration offers significant value to the owner and the services or goods. A Canadian trademark registration comes with many benefits. While trademark ensures that the exclusive rights for the trademarked services belong to the owner to dismiss instances of infringement, registering a trademark in Canada opens up a way to approach millions of potential customers.  While the process of registering a trademark in Canada may seem complicated and hectic to approach, it is relatively not challenging as it may seem. Here are five simple steps one must follow to register a trademark symbol in Canada .   Choice Of The Mark A trademark will become the representation of your brand in the longer run. In Canada, slogans, logos, business names and even colour schemes can be registered under the trademark act. Thus, a strong mark is needed to obtain...

Trademark Registration Canada

  What is the purpose of a Trademark? The Register Trademark   was established in the year 1940 in India and at present, it administers the major objective of the Trademarks Act of the Trademarks Act , 1999, 1999 is to register trademark applications for better protection of trademarks and also fraud The action is to prevent by competitors. How long does a Trademark last? Any word, name, symbol can be a trademark. Trademark has no time limit it works till then. As long as the business continues.   Who issues the Trademark? A trademark is a visual symbol that can be used for a business, word or number, label, colour combination, etc. Used by a business to differentiate it from other goods or services. Trademarks , Patent Designs and Trademarks in India are listed by the Director General, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

Commercial Contracts | Commercial Contracting Corporation

In  the same way that companies sign contracts with their workers to carry out different types of activities, companies also sign commercial contracts with suppliers to grow their business. Several renowned law firms like Vidhinyas Solicitors & Associates help people in commercial contract drafting .  In general, this type of contract is bilateral. This means that two parties are required to fulfill the obligations contained in the contract. In the following article, I will explain the importance of having things in writing.  It gives the security and certainty that a commitment to the obligations of both parties is being taken. What are commercial contracts? Commercial contracts in India are characterized by national or international alliances where companies of all sizes enter into agreements with suppliers that provide different solutions for the business, such as leasing real estate, infrastructure, supplies, Commercial Contracting Corporation image service...

Procedure for Registration of Copyright | Get the Best Registration of Copyright in India

Do you know how to do   Registration of copyright   online, here at   Vidinyas Solicitors and Associates   we will know what is copyright law in India, what is the process of applying online or offline, and what is the provision of punishment for violation of rules? What is Copyright Law in India? Do you know that whatever photo you click with your camera or  design  in any software, you have full rights over it? Once you have claimed the  copyright  to your photo, then no one else can use that photo without your consent. If still someone downloads and uses your photo from somewhere, then you can complain against him. According to Section 25 of the  Copyright Act ,  copyright protection  of your photo is provided in India for a period of 7 years from the date you design your photo or click it with the camera. That is, from the day you have designed your photo or clicked it with the camera, no one else can use your photo without your...

Intellectual Property Rights | Get the Best Intellectual Property Lawyer

      Intellectual Capital is always the wealth driver of international trade between countries. With the globalization of India and its economic development, Intellectual Property rights have emerged as an unavoidable element in the business fraternity in India. While the importance of Intellectual Property Law has increased with prominence in India, there are firms like Vidhinyas Solicitors & Associates who expertise and lead the business way with the proper sets of legal advice . Here’s everything you must know about Intellectual Property Law in India . What Is Intellectual Property?   Intellectual Property is a vast domain with elements that are not too hard to explain. Intellectual Property can be labeled as the creations of a mind used for commercial purposes. Moreover, it is any product or Property of a particular human’s intellect, protected by the law to ensure there is no unauthorized product use. What Are Intellectual Property Rights? I...