Intellectual Property Rights | Get the Best Intellectual Property Lawyer



Intellectual Capital is always the wealth driver of international trade between countries. With the globalization of India and its economic development, Intellectual Property rights have emerged as an unavoidable element in the business fraternity in India. While the importance of Intellectual Property Law has increased with prominence in India, there are firms like Vidhinyas Solicitors & Associates who expertise and lead the business way with the proper sets of legal advice. Here’s everything you must know about Intellectual Property Law in India.

What Is Intellectual Property? 

Intellectual Property is a vast domain with elements that are not too hard to explain. Intellectual Property can be labeled as the creations of a mind used for commercial purposes. Moreover, it is any product or Property of a particular human’s intellect, protected by the law to ensure there is no unauthorized product use.

What Are Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual Property Rights refer to rights given to a person over their mind’s or intellect’s creation so that the creator has an exclusive right over the product or Property without anyone else using it for commercial or personal use. The main reason behind the intellectual property law is to encourage the creation of intellectual goods.

What Are The 7 Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual Property Rights in India are governed under seven different acts. Each act differs from the other, allowing people to create more intellectual goods and use them commercially. The legal framework in India caters to the below-mentioned areas of intellectual Property.




     Industrial Designs

     Geographical Indications

     Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

     Varieties of Plant

     IT and Cybercrimes

     Data Protection


These 7 acts govern the above-mentioned areas of IP:


     Trademarks Act, 1999

     The Patents Act, 1970

     The Copyright Act, 1957

     The Designs Act, 2000

     The Geographical Indication of Goods Act, 1999

     The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001

     Information Technology Act, 2000



Intellectual Property Law and IPR have acted as the backbone of new business and inventors in the country for several years. When filing for a trademark, patent, copyright, etc., an Intellectual Property Lawyer can help you get everything straight and provide a concrete solution to your Intellectual Property Rights. The fact is that applying any act of the Intellectual Property Laws is a complex and lengthy process that requires you to have a basic knowledge of how these laws work. Thus we recommend you seek legal guidance in case you need any help to do within Intellectual Property Law.



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