Trademark Search Canada | Trademark Search | CIPO Trademark Search


What is Trademark Search and How is Trademark Registration done?

Whenever we buy a product of a company, before buying that product, we check its Trademark search  to identify that product, because there are many companies that give us the product that came out. Today we will tell you about this Trade marks Act, what it is a trademark or Canada Trademark Search. Along with this, how is the Trademark Registration OR CIPO Trademark Search done and what documents are required for this.

What is Trademark- | Trademark Search Canada

Basically a trademark or CIPO Trademark Search is the “brand” or “logo” that you use to distinguish your product from your competitors. Any word, name, symbol, or device may be a trademark OR Canada Trademark Search, used to identify a business and to distinguish goods manufactured from one manufacturer or seller or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods is done. So, a brand name is a brand name.

For example, we buy a mobile from the market in Canada or any of the Country and we look at the trademark Search Canada or Trademark to know which company has made that mobile. So that we get to know about the manufacturer of that company.

What is the need of Trademark?

After the above information, the question must be arising in your mind that what is the need of a trademark OR Canada Trademark Search for a company? So let us tell you that a trademark is also an intellectual property right in a way. A trademark or Canada Trademark Search on an item shows that it is being made on behalf of a particular company. 

A trademark is used by an individual, business organization or legal entity to refer to its product or service. Generally a name, expression, logo, exceptional imprint, plan or picture is reserved. All the products of a particular company are trademarked or CIPO Trademark Search.

For example, let us tell you that Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan has got his name SRK trademarked. In such a situation, no person or agency can use SRK for their commercial gains without the knowledge of Shahrukh.

What is Patent?

While climbing the stairs of Entrepreneur, never forget that the idea that has come in your mind can also come in someone else's mind. But the idea is believed to belong to the one who gets it officially registered. 

This process of registering the idea is given the name of the patent. The patent of an Idea will only transfer the earnings from it to your pocket. By getting a patent, if any person or entity copies your patent, then it will be considered legally invalid. 

If the person or organization copied your patent, then you can take action on it. The patent holder can likewise offer his patent to someone else or element. 

Difference between Copyright, Trademark and Patent | CIPO Trademark Search

Copyright is simply a form of intellectual property, it is distinct from a trademark or CIPO trademark search or Canada Trademark Search. that protects brand names, mottos, logos and other source identifiers from being used for the purpose of being used by others. Copyright is also different from patent law. Patent protects your inventions.

How to apply for Trademark Registration?

You must have known what a trademark or cipo trademark search is, now let us tell you how to register a trademark. Let us tell you that the registration of a trademark can be done online by visiting the website of the Control General of Patent Design and Trademark. The entire process of trademark registration in India takes one and a half to 2 years.

You can register for the trademark both online and offline. For registration, first do a trademark search or you can also apply through Ipi, the official website of the Government of India.

Fill the application form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar of Trademark. After approval, you can use the ® symbol for your company or product.

If the Trademark Examiner finds any mistake in your application, it will raise your Trademark Objection.

Documents required for Trademark Registration-

According to the ownership of the different company, different documents are required for the trademark.

For Individual Trademark-

On the off chance that you are enlisting your brand name enrolment as an individual, the 

Accompanying archives are required-

Brand name Questionnaire or PAN and Aadhaar/DL/PassportPower of Attorney (POA)

For private limited company-

trademark questionnaire

circle resolution

For Limited Liability Partnership-

trademark questionnaire

circle resolution

Power of Attorney (POA)

to own

trademark questionnaire

Power of Attorney (POA)

For partnership firm-

trademark questionnaire

Power of Attorney (POA)

For Society-

trademark questionnaire

Power of Attorney (POA)

For Trust-

trademark questionnaire

Power of Attorney (POA)

For Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)-

trademark questionnaire

Power of Attorney (POA)

Advantages of Trademark Registration-

Following are the Advantages of Trademark Registration-

In the wake of enrolling, you become the lawful proprietor of that brand name. In view of which no other individual or organization can utilize your brand name without your authorization. If a trademark or Canada Trademark Search is not registered, then it cannot take action against any other company.

Through Trademark Search or CIPO Trademark Search, the company is able to make a good identity among its customers, so that the customer does not face much problem in searching the product.


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