Trademark Registration Canada


What is the purpose of a Trademark?

The Register Trademark was established in the year 1940 in India and at present, it administers the major objective of the Trademarks Act of the Trademarks Act, 1999, 1999 is to register trademark applications for better protection of trademarks and also fraud The action is to prevent by competitors.

How long does a Trademark last?

Any word, name, symbol can be a trademark. Trademark has no time limit it works till then. As long as the business continues.

 Who issues the Trademark?

A trademark is a visual symbol that can be used for a business, word or number, label, colour combination, etc. Used by a business to differentiate it from other goods or services. Trademarks, Patent Designs and Trademarks in India are listed by the Director General, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.


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