USPTO Trademark Search | Get the Best US Trademark Search
Getting a Trademark for your business name, or logo, might sound very easy, but several hurdles can occur on the track of USPTO Trademark Search Registration . Due to globalization, and start-up waves around the globe, more and more companies are making their presence active with each passing day. Vidhinyas Solicitors & Associates tell us that the first condition for getting a trademark registered is that your item should be completely unique and not a copy of someone else's brand or company. This is why the importance of USPTO Trademark Search or Research increases as more and more businesses are set up in the world. But let’s start with the basics. What Is A Trademark? In simpler terms, a Trademark is an entity that helps customers or consumers recognize and differentiate your business, product, or brand from competitors and other businesses. USPTO defines a Trademark as a ‘word, symbol, phrase, design, or combination of ...